Friday, July 2, 2010

Dear So and So... & Letters of Intent {this is only the beginning}

FoursonsDear So and So...


Dear Diet,  
          I can't take it anymore; the guilt is more than I can handle... I CHEATED ON YOU. There, I said it! Now, before you go sending the Scale and  Skinny Jeans after me you have to admit my being honest counts for something. It started out as just flirting. No harm right? Well, I can testify that I was kinda taken advantage of. There I stood in front of the fridge, putting away left overs like any other night when I was seduced; I was captivated by the glowing light as it illuminated the Baby Bell cheese I had hidden someone must have put there. We were old friends. Sometimes it's easy to find comfort in the familiar and I did. I loved every filthy second of it  felt like crap, really. Ok, keep pushing and I'll tell you how I really feel! HE IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU!
Unfaithfully Yours,

Dear Scale, 
I knew you'd be the first to tell my dirty little secret. You want me to fail. You've always wanted me to fail. But, ha ha I beat you to it with full confession and there is nothing you can tell my Diet that he doesn't already know. Just remember this - if we have to have this discussion again, I'll step on you so hard I'll make your dial spin...
Try Me, 

Dear Skinny Jeans, 
They say confession is good for the soul so while I'm at it I might as well tell you the truth. You are the only one I've ever wanted. I know, I know, we haven't been together since highschool, but I've never felt with anyone the way I felt when I was with you. You held me like no other and I know we looked amazing together. Sure, it's been almost 15 years and I know I wasn't faithful back then, but I will be now. I will cherish every moment given one more chance. Search the very depth of your soft denim heart and tell me you don't long to caress the curves on my be with me too. I'm sure my recent actions make you question my sincerity and I don't blame you. Just give me a chance. I will prove to you my love is only for you. Remember the good ole days when you and I would group date with The Boobie Twins, Mr. Good Bra and Low Cut Shirt??? Oh my, the thought alone motivates me to make this relationship work. 
Longing to be with you, 

Click the buttons above to post your own letters!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

{my} Kids say the darndest things...

I can always count on Jaida to bring a bit of unexpected laughter to my day... The things she says are quite profound, and rather, um, well, read for yourself what the Princess had to say this morning...

I called for Emalee, as I often do, to help with a little task. (she loves helping) and before she could come to me and ask what I needed, Jaida dashed into the room, took center stage and said

"Me too Momma! I can help, too, and Nick; WE'RE IN THIS ALATIONSHIP (relationship) TOO!!!"

Yep, I was floored. She is too cute and so smart beyond her years. The knew the context of the word, she pronounced it rather well, and the emotion she put into it definitely made it blog worthy. There she is in all her 5-pony tailed glory being a ham for the cam. :-) Gotta love her!

Monday, June 28, 2010

One Year Ago

This is what my babies looked like 1 year ago, today. We were in Portland, Oregon awaiting the time to go to the airport to come home. We spent the day going to parks and the Zoo and anxiously awaiting the rest of our lives with these 3 added to our story. 

Emalee looks so tiny to me when I look back. She's grown so tall now and up 2 sizes in her clothes and shoes. Jaida has slimmed up and gotten taller. Her hair has grown and the baby look has left her. Nick, our little chuck, has slimmed up, too. He is so smart and funny.

Though we haven't (and won't) make a big deal out of today, it is such a big deal in my heart. My life will never be the same and I am thankful. These 3 have brought so much to me, to us, to all of the family. 

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Another first for the firstborn....

I've known about this trip for some weeks now. I've watched him beam with joy, make little "lists" (just like Dad) of things to bring, to do, and a breakdown of how he might spend his allotted funds. With all that, I still wasn't really, completely, all the way prepared for him to go. It's just til Sunday. A few days, no biggie. A few days away, 6 hours and 19 minutes away, 338 miles away... Ok, you get it. He is thirteen and it might seem a little crazy that I'm nervous over it or more so that this is his first time being away like this, but I'm a mom parent. I've been accused of being over protective, keepin' the leash too tight, yada yada, you know, all the opinions and criticism that comes from raising kids with a good moral and Godly upbringing. See, we take the whole "train up your child in the way he should go...." thing pretty seriously. We protect what they watch, listen to, where they go, what they wear... etc. etc. For some, that's simply PARENTING; to others I'm an insane, psycho, freak, ehhh I'll take it. We don't simply forbid we teach them and allow them to decide for themselves if they watch, where, went, hear or have it, would Jesus watch with them, approve of it, go with them, listen, or own the same thing... and they can then decide, knowing the consequences of the choice they make. If, low and behold, they wanna opt for the godless option we remind them of this - "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." So, godless options simply aren't allowed in our home. (oh hush- I know what you're thinking. I've been called worse I promise ;-) )

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tot School

(check it out at 1+1+1=1)

Tot School went soooo amazingly well today!
Jaida (31 mos.) laced beads onto pipe cleaners. She worked so tediously doing it and was completely enthralled. She figured out that as she was putting the beads on and neared the end the beads were being pushed off the other end, so she does what all baby geniuses do and bent the end to keep 'em on.

Nick (46 mos.) worked for only a moment on the lacing. He is meticulous. He spaced each bead the same distance and wouldn't have it any other way. He would much rather the sound of the beads dumping into the tray. We cleaned that and he looked at me as if to say, "give me a real challenge."His mind is so active and he is too darn smart for that "baby stuff" so he built a helicopter using trio blocks. He got these for Christmas and I have been a little hesitant, with the big move coming and all, to take out yet another toy with pieces, but hey, it was school friendly so we did. He had to follow directions using the right color, length and placement to make it happen and the clickey sound they make was entertaining in itself... and he did with a little help from big bro Ryan who, deep down, really wanted those trios. :) Would you believe my camera died before I could get a pic of it?

Oh well, good reason to do it again.

Taking the heli apart to put things away was NOT an easy task...Snap into action Mom! Uh, character building, work on keeping a positive attitude.... what are those things I'm always saying??? He was in a full out fit and it was ugly. I started with a simple thing I call ignoring him. It's the quickest way to get his attention is to give him no attention when he is being negative. He stopped and wiped away his tears and said, "Ok, Mom? It's ok." I told him his behavior was not ok and that he was a distraction to others and he (on his own) told the others he was sorry. Yay.

Wouldn't be right if I didn't give you a shot of our Big girl doing her Phonics on her Leap Pad.... Emalee Joy loves school and has made so much progress in just the 7 1/2 months she has been home.... Poor thing had NO educational foundation. She didn't know any of her alphabet, didn't know her age, now my girl can tell you her address, her age, birthday, spell and write her name. She is 5, should be further by most scales, but considering all I know - she is right on track :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lookin' back...

I have found myself living in retrospect lately. Pondering things I should've, would've, could've done, but didn't. Like, I should have taken more pictures of my big boys when they were little. I didn't think about it until I'm grabbin' the camera to take a picture of every imaginable thing the little ones are doing. #2 gets frustrated sometimes like he thinks they get more attention than he does or ever did... not. Four, five, and six have only been with us since June 09, I missed many of their firsts. But, that is for another time.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Our God is an awesome God!

It's been awhile and I do apologize. I invite anyone complaining over to my house to see where my time is spent though :)
We're a full house and getting fuller by the day. We have been blessed more than anyone deserves and can't find the words to adequetaly express our gratitude to those whose hands have touched our lives.

A dear friend who worked with D when he was doing real estate is a Sunday School teacher at her church. Well, she has been sharing our journey with many and bring prayers to us in abundance. Well, she petitioned her class for hand me downs from their children and grandchildren and well.... people are awesome! People who serve an awesome God are very very awesome! This week our home was blessed with a large lego table and may legos, a kitchen for the girls (tho N loves it too), a tool set and kids craftsman tool chest, dolls, strollers, dvds, stuffed animals, you name it! We went to bed that night thinking, God, can it really get any better? Well, yes- it can and has. The same lady called to tell us she will be back with an outdoor playset and a swingset. Can I mention again how blessed we are? I cannot tell you the number of people who have said to us how happy they are for us and how they cannot adopt but want to help us do it.
One day I will be able to write about it without tearing up... I promise. Night for now

Our God is an awesome God!
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